On May 19, 2008, Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 was interviewed by Ed Tracy before a capacity crowd at the Pritzker War Library. The sole survivor of Seal Team 10 involved in Operation Redwing in Afghanistan, Marcus wove a fascinating tale as he described the hardships of SEAL training which prepared him well for the excruciating pain and deprivation he experienced as he battled with and fled from the Taliban with three broken vertebrae and other injuries.
Luttrell's story highlighted the comradeship between Navy SEALs, the difficult moral choices faced in a battle zone and the mental determination required for survival. Lining the second floor balcony was a cadre of cadets from the Great Lakes Naval Training Center who will soon begin the training program that will winnow their ranks down to the 10-20% who will become SEALs like Marcus and his twin brother. One can only imagine the thoughts running through their heads as Marcus shared his story.
A podcast of the interview is available here.